Scarlit Rose - Music artist, artivist & writer & advocate

Music Artist, Writer/Poet, Creative Freelance Model, Neurodivergent, Advocate, Survivor. Living w/ Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome + complications (POTS, MCAS/autoimmune, C-spine instability etc) Advocating for EDS/rare disease, complex trauma, neurodiversity, poverty trap awareness, fighting 4 my best life

K Dragon Records 2023

Copyright Scarlit Rose Ashcraft 2017

 Get the album at the following stores (released by K Dragon Records/special edition records)


Apple music

Google Play

Bandcamp (Exclusive Instrumental & Old EP)

By Donation to Roseโ€™s medical Fundraiser (Under Construction coming soon, for now donations can be sent via by-donation instrumental album purchase on Bandcamp)

Click on the image for website