Girl outside book reviews
"In these chapters, Rose introduces the reader to a series of concepts that are critical for today's society and humankind in general. Girl Outside is pithy, yet contains a wealth of empirical evidence that illustrates the faults in the world's social and hierarchical systems. The paragraphs weave together fluidly; what at first seems a stark contrast between topics becomes a clear connection as the book progresses. It is as if the reader is given a preview of what it's like to think in such fluid manner—a trait of autistic wiring that Rose has spoken about over the years as Girl Outside".
But this powerful work of activism is much more than simply a list of reasons why we need change. Girl Outside highlights the hope still left in humanity despite touching upon many of its dark and corrupt aspects. Rose doesn't tell us what to change or how to make change happen. Instead, she allows us to come up with our own ways to do so by teaching us to zoom out from, or see through, the boxes that we have been indoctrinated to think within."
-Tony Colosimo
"Girl Outside details a compendium of experiences and insight that are an absolute must to read and reflect upon. I have so much confidence in Rose, and look forward to following her on her journey, as it evokes and inspires others in realms of activism, creative endeavours, and solidarity within the community of those on the autism spectrum and their allies."
-Adam Phillip C-Livingston
"Girl Outside is classic Rosie. Just as engaging as her blogs - full of insights, reflections, hopes and aspirations, coloured with her unique perspective. As with any writing worth reading, Girl Outside goes far beyond easy, familiar ideas, sorted into neat category-chapters. It builds on itself in an organic way developing themes and possibilities in parallel that weave through the chapters. As they become more and more apparent, so too does a realisation that the work itself goes beyond its obvious boxes. There's a subtlety of thought going on that introduces itself gently and in stages. At one stage Rosie notes that this is not an autobiography, and it isn't. But it is perhaps a partial autobiography of her mind. The result is provocative, intriguing... a worthwhile read full of personality that leaves one eager for news of the next stage of Rosie's journey. More please!"
-Stiofán MacAmhalghaidh Âû
"Girl Outside is a free-patterned series of small, informal essays which serve as windows into the psyche of one high-functioning giftedly autistic girl as she navigates life’s struggles, activism, art and other subjects. It is supremely honest above all and is willing to reveal weaknesses not as a cry for pity, but as a demonstration of and a call to strength, both for one’s own sake and for the sake of others, not unlike a wearied warrior knight resting at a lull in the battle, and showing how armor may be mended. It is a slim volume, not an epic, but it does its work well as a companion to her other books, serving to orient one within them. I highly recommend it."
-Mary Freebed (Tanja Guven) G.O. Editor-In-Chief