Scarlit Rose - Music artist, artivist & writer & advocate

Music Artist, Writer/Poet, Creative Freelance Model, Neurodivergent, Advocate, Survivor. Living w/ Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome + complications (POTS, MCAS/autoimmune, C-spine instability etc) Advocating for EDS/rare disease, complex trauma, neurodiversity, poverty trap awareness, fighting 4 my best life

K Dragon Records 2023

Copyright Scarlit Rose Ashcraft 2017

Bring Hope to Dire

What if I told you I'm sorry

What if I told you I failed

What if I told you I'm heartsick

For my hearts' in a jail

A jail that is my body

A jail that is

my torn off wings

A jail that has me haughty

for only that kind is

what it brings ..

and this won't serve us well

it's not a place to dwell

it's really a private hell

in spite of the pride that swells..

When the pills

become an excuse

and the glib, flippant thrills

come only from the use

It's just the easier, softer way

and it will never pay

anyone, anything, anyhow

accept a coroner

taking a vow

...and so...

the time

is never now!

I don't need a priest

to say thy will be done

I'm looking for

my kingdom come

in the dark, without sun

In this dark, the only light

is the fire that ignites

and it burns on my skin

like 1000 pushpins

and it grows from the wind

of the shame for the 'sin' ...

yes, they did light a match,

then they poured down the gin,

and it melted my candle wax

when I let them in, to win

but please, fire, go dim

rain on me like a hymn!

Be an ember at best

before you take all the rest

of what is left of me ..

of the last standing tree

dark tree, dark tree

I heard you whisper

heard you whisper

in the glow

I heard you whisper

in the know

but do I listen?

oh, no..

Well this time I need to listen

and I need the moon to glisten

over the cold, misty lake

without it's light, it could be fate

like off the peer and too late

cause I can't swim in ice

and I can't keep

rolling the dice

on the gameboard of strife

that is playing with my life..


What if I told you I'm sorry

for playing the foreboding game

for curling up under the blanket

amid the storm and the rain

when it's one that's known to suffocate

while laughing at what it's slain

and what if I reach - to rip it off!

then what if I walk through the storm

would it be enough to redeem the forlorn?

would it be enough to be saved and reborn?

Can I be strong enough to stave

off the comfort, that I crave

and walk on through pain, brave

- then again, I need more than brave..

I can't see when I'm covered

I can't walk through, to the other side

I can't share, but I hide

remain taken on

a bad trip ride

Muffled are the voices

that chant the right choices

If I can't walk through the rain

then I'll perish in vain

and remember how the rain

was called to put out the fire

to bring growth

in place of desire

and so then

bring hope to dire

Scarlit-Rose Ashcraft (formerly Rose Guedes)

February 18th 2021