Scarlit Rose - Music artist, artivist & writer & advocate

Music Artist, Writer/Poet, Creative Freelance Model, Neurodivergent, Advocate, Survivor. Living w/ Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome + complications (POTS, MCAS/autoimmune, C-spine instability etc) Advocating for EDS/rare disease, complex trauma, neurodiversity, poverty trap awareness, fighting 4 my best life

K Dragon Records 2023

Copyright Scarlit Rose Ashcraft 2017

Fading Away


is diminishing

I feel like I

am finishing

I am fading

in this life

I am fading

drowning in strife

my spine is slowly collapsing

and no help is on the way

the only help can come with means

I don't have, so there's no way

No way out of my weakening body

as I struggle through each day

giving up the modeling contract

and crying all the way

through every word I type on the page

"I can't, I'm sorry" I say

I can't have a life this way

giving up what I love

with no way to be paid

how can I sustain

and fight this pain

there's no way

I'm fading away 

Scarlit-Rose Ashcraft (formerly Rose Guedes)

Dec. 13, 2021